Holistic Nutrition During Pregnancy

CLEAN nutrition is of vital importance throughout the prenatal period and during breastfeeding.  Ideally, eating clean before conception is best, but if this hasn’t occurred yet, now is the time! One of the most important elements in having a healthy baby and uncomplicated pregnancy and birth is to apply holistic nutrition. Addressing the spirit, soul and body is key. In this particular sharing we primarily address the body. Please don’t take this lightly.

Chemically processed ‘foods’ are killing us! This is the first time in human history that science has indicated that those couples who are having babies today, will outlive their children! This is due to the chemically laden environment we live in. Our air, water food and soil are full of toxins and we must do what we can to eat as clean as possible, to insure our offsprings health and wellbeing.

Always emphasize true organic foods.  Ideally, BUY LOCAL, BUY ORGANIC! Unprocessed (AVOID ham, hotdogs or lunch meats), fresh meats or other protein sources like whole milk, organic plain yogurt, lots of vegetables (especially greens), real cheese, and whole grain breads. (And to be avoided if gluten sensitive.)  Please read labels, and learn what you are feeding your placenta/baby. Become aware of deceptive labeling!  Eliminate all pop, coffee, black teas, and so-called “juice” drinks.  Raw & or fresh is best, frozen is okay, but canned is useless regarding fruit or vegetable.

Salt should not be restricted.  Salt to taste.  Too little, or too much, salt can cause elevated blood pressure and edema.  Moderation is the key.  The commonly used better salts are “Real Salt” or Celtic (grey), Sea Salt. These are mineral laden salts. Use of foods that are cured with salt are best omitted. In other words, avoid salted chips, pickles, olives, nuts, processed or lunch meats etc.

Pregnancy is not a time to diet.  Weight gained with quality food in pregnancy is desirable, and different, than weight gained on junk food.  No pattern or amount of weight gain is “normal”.  Eat QUALITY food, and you will gain what you and your baby need.  Do not overeat.  If you now have a weight or body image issue, we can talk about it at your next visit.  Be sure to remind me of this if it is of great concern to you.

Pregnant mothers need to drink a lot of fluids.  The Red Raspberry, Alfalfa, Nettle Leaf, and Oat straw infusion is so important if you have a baby with me; the hand-out I gave you explains why.  Freshly made juice, and half your body weight in ounces of water per day (with a half of lemon squeezed into each quart, if desired), will help to expand the blood volume.  This is very important and keeps you outa much trouble in pregnancy. AVOID PLASTIC whenever possible!

You should eat slowly, chew well, and eat until you’re full.  If you are not very hungry or nauseous, this could be because of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia).  Small, frequent snacks of high-quality food, usually a complex carbohydrate, can help alleviate this problem.  Keeping something digesting in your stomach at all times (eat something small every two hours), has proven to combat most nausea. This is usually only in your first trimester.  A good resource for slow digestion during this time is a complex carbohydrate. Try and pick healthy options like baked yams or sweet potatoes, or organic crackers like “Akmak”.  Nausea is uncomfortable, but excessive vomiting is the greatest concern with regards to the overall health of the baby.  You need quality food (especially protein) and fluids to grow a healthy baby, so keeping it down is important. Try eating something when you get up at night to go to the bathroom; preferably a complex carbohydrate or milk product. This happens frequently in the first trimester, because the appetite has not yet caught up with the increased demand for nutrients.

A word about vegans. You can surely make a healthy baby but, from what I’ve observed, you need to work a bit more for it. There is this handy app calculator that I have most of my clients download.  It’s called: “CRONOMETER” and I highly recommend its use to see how much and what protein sources you are actually getting in your meals. Because babies are made from lots of protein and protein is in vegies you need to eat more of them and modify grain use. Usually my vegans get in about three fresh organic green drinks per day, stocked full of – for example: organic kale, spinach, chia, hemp seed, coconut water or organic apple juice, an apple and/or carrot. Depending on your build, you make sure to get anywhere between 70-85 grams 0f protein per day. You’re welcome to take FREE organic produce anytime you visit my home! Much more protein is needed with a multiple pregnancy. I pursue and advocate designer care to all.

Approximately 2,400 – 2,600 calories and 70 – 90 grams of protein (more with multiples) is generally enough daily intake for these nutrients.  Fresh organic vegetables, especially the dark green leafy variety, and organic fresh fruits (not to excess: 1-2 pieces/day) are essential.

Eat a wide variety of foods.  Changing your diet too quickly is not good.  Try and incorporate better eating habits slowly; but DO CHANGE if needed. Most mamababies who come to me already know and do eat clean and healthy but I am overjoyed to help those who want to learn and apply it.

Be careful adding foods to your diet, which have been restricted for some time.  If necessary, slowly integrate to avoid a reaction. They tend to cause an excessive amount of mucous, which taxes your system and may create dis-ease.

Now I want you to keep a three – five-day diet history.  Write down for me everything you eat & drink including water for three – five full days.  Include amounts … i.e. 8 oz. water,  approx. 3oz. of ling cod, a lrg. drk. green leafy salad etc.  Bring it to your next prenatal visit so that we can go over it together.  This should portray an AVERAGE 3-5 days eating intake.  Do not pick a time where you’ll be eating better or worse than usual.

Each woman and pregnancy are unique and each will find for herself the optimal diet if her general dietary habits are steered in the right direction.

 If you have any questions regarding any specific detail in this guide, please do not hesitate to ask!  Nothing is too simple or elemental to me when it comes to nutrition. I understand this may be new to some of you and I am more than willing to explain anything.

We will be observing your health and diet; physically, mentally and spiritually A pillar of Classical Midwifery is HOLISTIC care. We are a spirit (our higher-self or character). We have a soul, (mind, will, emotions) And we live in, or inhabit a body! You are eating in more than one way!

 “Health is not a medical artifact. Economics, politics, the social system in which we live, conditions in the work-place, poisons in the environment, and personal relationships are all elements in causing health and disease. Doctors treat illness; they do not make us healthy. For the vast majority of women physical health and a sense of well-being during pregnancy is nothing to do with how often they visit the doctor, but with the social conditions in which they live.”
From Sheila’s Kitzinger’s book – Birth over 35, Sheldon Pres

‘Food’ To Avoid

1)  WHITE sugar & sugar products, including corn syrup and fructose.  Fructose may remove copper from the bones.

2)  Bleached WHITE flour, and white flour products, GMO soy, GMO corn http://www.soyinfo.com/haz/gehaz.shtml – fermented, organic soy is okay, occasionally.

3)  “Wheat” flour:  this is usually a mixture of mostly bleached white flour with a small amount of wheat.  The label should read whole wheat flour, or stone ground whole wheat.  Whole is the key word.

4)  All soft drinks.  Even the carbonation of these soft drinks leaches out calcium, not to mention the artificial or refined sugars, chemicals and caffeine.  NEVER use “diet” sodas (or ’diet’ foods).  Aspartame (Nutrasweet) is a neuro(brain)-toxin. It is designed like MSG to make you addicted to the food substance that it is in.

5)  Refined cereals.  ex. chemicals used to package, & preserve … refining, sugars …

6)  Highly salted foods, chips, pickles processed meats, olives  etc.

7)  White rice, with the exception of Basmati / Texmati rice

8)  Hydrogenated oils and saturated fats (most margarines).  For butter why not make “Better Butter”  In a food processor mix 1 lb. of butter to 1 cup each of olive oil, and coconut oil.  Blend until smooth.  I also add 1t. or so organic liquid lecithin.  This tastes very good and gives you daily EFA’s.  Be sure and keep it refrigerated, because it melts faster than butter.

9)  Peanuts or Peanut butter that are highly sprayed.  Peanuts are grown with cotton and therefore are sprayed with both pesticides.  They both, cotton & peanuts receive over twenty different sprays.  Organic is best if you eat peanuts at all.  Digesting peanuts can be very hard on your pancreas.

All nuts are heavily sprayed and unless organic, should be avoided.

10.) Heavily processed meats:  bologna, hot dogs, salami, bacon, corned beef etc.  Anything with sodium nitrate, nitrite, or MSG.   “Excitotoxins” (neurotoxic =  brain toxin – much evidence that they are responsible for many auto-immune disorders. )

CHECK LABELS!  Be aware of those words disguised into making you think they are healthful when a cover for a toxin. The following ALWAYS contain excitotoxins: glutamate (usually monosodium glutamate, MSG), aspartame, autolyzed yeast, or yeast extract, caseinate ingredient names containing “hydrolyzed” L-cysteine. The following FREQUENTLY indicate the presence of excitotoxins: broth, flavors, flavoring, protein, seasoning, spices, “NATURAL FLAVORS”.   Eat primitive! What we ate 500 or more years ago, is safe!

11)  Canned goods that contain any of the “no no’s” on this list.  With canned vegetables you might as well drink the fluid in the can and throw away the other ingredients to get any real food value out of it.

12)  Non medicinal-Chocolate, (usually American unless organic) all candy, ice cream made with chemicals (commercial “old fashioned” usually is the least adulterated)

13)  Coffee, tea, alcohol

14)  AVOID raw meat, or fish (i.e. sushi)    15)   Fried foods  16)   “instant” foods   17) soft cheeses  18) shellfish  19) Hawaiian papaya, unless organic.

Food To Eat

Focus on superfoods and “gut-nourishing foods” – fermented, probiotic and pre-biotic foods.

1)  In place of white sugar – Organic Maple syrup, local honey, unrefined sugar, blackstrap molasses, fruit syrup, juice, & dates as sweeteners. ALL should be used sparingly.

2)  Sprouted Whole Grains, flours and products (Fresh ground is Best) If weight is a concern significantly modify grain use.  Spelt is a good substitute for wheat sensitivity.

3)  Homemade, on the spot organic green juice, in moderation, (can really put on the weight) and vegetable juice (Fresh made with a juicer and drank (chewed) immediately is Best)

4)  Natural vegetable seasonings, sea salt, kelp (high mineral content); Salt (celtic or Real Salt®), black, red to taste, not excessively.

5)  Organic Brown and wild rice, Basmati white rice is fine also.

6)  Oils: cold pressed, unrefined.  Avocado, coconut, Olive (but not for heating), & sesame are always cold pressed.  Palm, & coconut oil.  Many people are finding good butter supplements through good oils esp. olive oil.   Butter is best, if you eat dairy. No to margarine.  Avoid Canola oil = GMO

7)  Clean, grass fed, meats (not pumped full of antibiotics/hormones.), if you can grow them … or buy from those who do. Caution when animal is corn fed as greater than 80% in this country is GMO corn.

8)  Canned goods are generally not good but if you use them use those that are devoid of chemicals or sugars. READ LABELS!!!

9)  Carob sweetened with fruit juice or dates or organic dark chocolate (occasionally)

10.) IF you have eaten ALL your protein and greens – Make your own Ice cream … or natural variety “Breyers” or “old fashioned”, although with sugar is somewhat better.

11.) When possible grow your own vegis/fruit or buy local organic from Saturday Markets IF you know where and how foods are grown.  I am more than happy to give you organic ‘BACK TO EDEN’ produce from our garden, when In season!

12)  Natural, unprocessed products:  an example would be if buying instant potatoes; buy fresh and bake them.  *Baking retains many of the minerals, eat the skins for potassium if organic.  Sweet potatoes are much better for you due to glycemic content.  White potato is NOT recommended.

13)  Baked, blanched, poached, steamed or stewed foods.  Vegi steamers are a good investment!

14)  Use stainless steel or glass cookware. Aluminum causes dis-ease, and Alzheimer’s may be one of those diseases.  Aluminum is Toxic.  Silverstone or Teflon type pans come off into your food.  We have come to a very serious time on this planet when toxins are rampant.  The air, water, food and soil we use are full of chemicals; chemicals that are extremely harmful to us and the life of our unborn.  We are dying from auto-immune disease and the like as a result.  It is the responsibility of every parent to see that his or her children get the best possible start – both physically and spiritually.  The offspring of future generations depend on us.

Always be thankful to Creator G-d for your food, before and after you eat.

  1. Protect your precious family!
  2. Fresh, Organic, vine-ripened and raw IS BEST!  – The more processed the less nutritional value.
  3. True organic is nutritionally dense, non-organic usually minimally nourishing and is chemically laden. Inevitably, causing dis-ease in our body.
  4. Read labels and become familiar with non-foods and toxic chemicals, so you avoid them. NO GMO’s or excitotoxins.
  5. Be aware of sugar intake. Simple sugars and through complex carbohydrates. Too much sugars can make large and unhealthy baby’s.
  6. Eat for health and performance. EAT RAW FOOD SNACKS and capitalize on SUPERFOODS.
  7. Learn the language of your body’s nutritional needs. Listen to your internal “motherwit”. Dis-ease is produced by unhealthy indulgences. Stay alkaline! On our plates there should be 80% alkaline and 20% acid foods.
  8. When you very occasionally indulge in decadent but healthy treats, enjoy it!
  9. Always drink half your body weight of water in ounces. (ex. 150#=75oz of water.)
  10. Please download the “CRONOMETER” app into your phone and/or computer. I highly recommend its use to see how much protein and other sources of nutrient rich foods you are getting in your meals.
  11. The least toxic, non-organic fruits and vegetables are: onions, avocado, sweet corn, pineapple, mangos, sweet peas, asparagus, kiwi, cabbage, eggplant, cantaloupe, watermelon, grapefruit, sweet potato, honeydew melon.

You may not feel it now – but you will experience the results of your good or bad eating habits later. Autoimmune dis-ease is rampant in America and this poor habit of eating out, instead of homemade healthful food is a huge culprit in our health disparity. Chemicals, artificial food enhancers and salt reign in restaurants! Even healthy ones usually over salt.

1 Corinthians 3:16, 17, 2 Corinthians 9:6, Galatians 6: 7-8

Holistic nutrition.  I have been busily at this subject before I was out of high school. Started when I was about 16yo. 1969. I understand this may be new to some of you and I am more than willing to explain anything to help you better comprehend this.

We will be observing your health and diet; physically, mentally and spiritually, a pillar of Classical Midwifery is HOLISTIC care. We are a spirit (our higher-self: our character). We have a soul, (mind, will, emotions) And we live in, or inhabit a body! You are eating in more than one way!  We have lots of fun and are casual and caring for you as in individual with our care!

These guidelines only give you a bit of direction and advise. After observing women for over 42yrs and how and what makes them and their babies thrive, I write here. I had been asked for this type of outline ad infinitum and so it is… Prenatal care is what happens between prenatal’s and so the rest is up to you!

Thank you for choosing us to assist you! I’m exceedingly BLESSED!

To holistic, mamababy care!  Carol  xo


PS I welcome feedback and any enlightenment you can share! 

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